7:53pm 03-15-2024
its https://rocketdivee.neocities.org/ :3
12:57pm 03-13-2024
Its me again I just keep returning to your site because its really fun to just scroll through and find new stuff.. Its super scary realizing how similar we are interest-wise and I just noticed our birthdays are almost the same too!?

I wish my site will look more like yours some day as I progress..!! Ur so cool
Replied on: 6:58pm 03-15-2024

hi!! nice to see you sticking around!! flattering to hear :9 whats ur site name? it's always nice to meet people with similar tastes x

7:35am 01-14-2024
i just remembered neocities exists (and that i have a site that i havent worked on in months...) and your site instantly popped into my head when i was thinking of site inspiration. seriously, your coding skills and eye for what looks good impress me so much!! also, this might be weird but i think we might have been mutuals on twitter (lol)?? if you remember a ciel then that was me

also.. I NEVER SEE ANYONE MENTION VERDENA! your song box thing was the first thing i saw lol luna is one of my favorites by them. maybe they're popular in italy, but in america nobody has heard of them at all

ANYWAYS... i'll stop rambling now, but still, your site still continues to inspire me just like when i first saw it ☆
Replied on: 1:41pm 01-18-2024

OFC I REMEMBER YOUUU!! your site is just as cool <3 can't wait for more updates! I'm flabbergasted each time someone says they were inspired by my stuff...it's an honour for me...!!

glad to see other verdena fans hehe >:3

10:09am 01-12-2024
ure the coolest ever
Replied on: 1:38pm 01-18-2024

:,3 you are too kind!! <3

8:23pm 12-10-2023
your site is the coolest I have seen on here and I literally almost screamed when I just saw the church on the music player thing... I keep forgetting that people actually know seth et holth I am so obsessed with it aurghgh
Replied on: 10:29am 12-15-2023

you flatter me!! this motivated me to keep trying working on it. seth and holth is a favourite of mine too <3

9:03pm 11-22-2023
I've just stumbled onto your website again after a long time, going through all my bookmarks. I deleted all my socials a long time ago now, but I wanted to say your site is still as cool as I remember.
Replied on: 11:07pm 11-24-2023

this was heartwarming to hear. thank you...for not forgetting about me and passing by <3

2:56am 03-30-2023
magnifici* ROFL.. almeno te lo posso di' due volte
1:27am 03-30-2023
la tua pagina è fantastica! c'è tantissimo lavoro e dedicazione dietro ogni grafica e collage si vede, it's very inspiring!! it feels like an artwork of its own.

grazie tantissimo per il tuo messaggio btw mi hai reso contentissimo... i tuoi disegni sono magnifichi deliziosamente macabri <3
Replied on: 2:17pm 04-13-2023

in ritardissimo ma grazie tante!!!<3 lo apprezzo davvero un sacco soprattutto da parte tua :'3 you're the coolest!

12:31pm 03-18-2023
4:27pm 09-06-2022
hii!!!I checked your artpage after the update amd it's so pretty ohmygosh! as expected your drawings are very unique like your website!!! keep up the good work <3
Replied on: 6:49pm 09-07-2022

awww hi! thank you soso much...I'll keep trying my best :3

12:35pm 08-18-2022
i love this site so so much it has such amazing visuals and every page is special in its own way yet they are all connected and it feels so personal. seeing you come so far in this project had also really given me inspiration to work on my own again
Replied on: 1:07pm 08-18-2022

trying to be as genuine as possible in my work even if that means being kitschy... I'm my own target audience after all..! I'd love to follow your journey on there as well!!! lmk what your website is if you'd like :3c

2:44am 08-18-2022
AAAAA! I adore the visuals and utter grotesque madness!☆ Absolutely lovley!☆ everything has so much passion and thought put into it! I find myself coming back to this site whenever I need inspiration for artworks!!! Your site is incredible! Please keep up the good work!!! I look forward to finding more lil secrets in the site!☆
Replied on: 1:04pm 08-18-2022

thank chuuu darling!!!! I'll do my very best to keep building this little underground maze...<3

2:27am 08-18-2022
i cant stop revising your site, it feels fresh and i cant get tired of it. i love the visuals !! really unique in a way that embraces old personal sites yet it gives a vibe i havent seen before in my years on neocities. and sorry if this is an annoying question but what programs are you using for the backgrounds ?? i only quite trust you for recommendations :-)
Replied on: 1:01pm 08-18-2022

currently melting into a puddle >x< my building/creative process is quite random, but knowing it's perceived that way relieves me! and it's definitely not an annoying question I use my old friend Gimp 2 for pretty much all the editing!

5:05pm 08-16-2022
so inspired by ur site wtf brother absolute goals
Replied on: 12:56pm 08-18-2022

:3 yours is even more awesome peyton!!! we should make a webringgg

8:57pm 08-12-2022
Coco <3
I hate people they already made all the compliments I could think of. How am I supposed to be original now ?? Anyway, insert every other comment here.
Also I just found out you could change the font... so I chose the best one.
Replied on: 12:58pm 08-18-2022

originality is not real! just like perfection

5:08am 08-07-2022
your CREATIVITY...... the visuals are so cool man . ur website is so beautiful and unique ❦ ❦ ❦
Replied on: 12:25am 08-08-2022

just experimenting...thank youu! enjoy your stay :3

1:01pm 08-03-2022
Hi your site is beyond gorgeous, the vibe it gives off is amazingly unique and I'm in love with the collages in the background <3 I'm looking forward to seeing more updates you are going to do here
Replied on: 6:55pm 08-03-2022

I'll do my best to meet your expectations hehe thank you!<3

11:18pm 08-01-2022
i love how U chose the most harrowing diru images to blingee...adore the visuals a lott xxx
Replied on: 12:25am 08-02-2022

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° hehe...tysm ... <3 they're so fun to make zzz

10:06pm 08-01-2022
this site goes hard i love it
Replied on: 10:22pm 08-01-2022

thank you<3333 hehe

8:27pm 08-01-2022
Hello!! Love u Ari! :3
Replied on: 8:34pm 08-01-2022

hi Pixel!!! luv u 2 <3!!

5:22am 08-01-2022
so much respect for you for this. you have a really distinct style in my opinion which is so inspiring ...everything you create makes me really happy >0< thank you for sharing this with us!
Replied on: 2:46pm 08-01-2022

Flattered you think so!! thank you <3 I wouldn't consider my style to be that original or anything, but at least i know it deeply resonates with me ^^ thank u for the support!!

8:54pm 07-31-2022
Honestly, this is fuckin gorgeous.Eveytime Im here,I feel like my eyes are melting and turning into hallucination paintings while a delusional song plays between my entrails. Such a weird feeling, hard to describe, but soo impressive ~
Replied on: 11:07pm 07-31-2022

OH MY! this motivates me so much to carry on with this project :,) I'm so so grateful for your kind words... no words can describe how happy i am rn, you made my day!!!<3

9:06pm 07-28-2022
this place makes me breathe
Replied on: 9:06pm 07-29-2022

ohh that's nice to hear! so glad it makes you feel at ease despite how cluttered it looks

2:04pm 07-28-2022
u are a visionary!!!
Replied on: 9:05pm 07-29-2022

hehe thank you!<3 particularly flattering coming from such a creative mind like you :^)

10:43am 07-28-2022
I guess I have no other choice now than to make my own website...
10:40pm 07-27-2022
seeing you build this site is like watching Frankenstein's monster come alive... except you are much kinder than Victor Frankenstein, and you clearly love your creation
Replied on: 12:15am 07-28-2022

that's so flattering to hear... thank you soso much for the interest and kindness

10:38pm 07-27-2022
9:04pm 07-27-2022
This is the prettiest website I've seen. Also if porcodio was a dish, i think it would be delicious
Replied on: 12:16am 07-28-2022

it would probably be a sandwich of some sort...(thank u teehee :3)

1:12pm 07-27-2022
Messages: 1 until 29 of 29.
Number of pages: 1